We are rooted to a Living Vine, adorned with heroic saints and powerfully simple offerings. St. Gregory the Great, pray for us....

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Grace and Peace to you sister, Saint Gregory the Dialogist and Pope of Rome is Commemorated on March 12th in the East. ☦️ 😌⛪ His DIVINE LITURGY of Presanctified Gifts 🔥 is Sung during Weekdays of Great and Holy Lent. The ✍🏼 MORALS on the BOOK of JOB, and his Vita of Saint Benedict of NURSIA 🇮🇹 are patristic staples 📚 for ALL 🌐 believers. ST GREGORY the Great, Pope of Rome, pray for us!

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Thank you. I just read his morals on the book of Job and was blown away.

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“One detail that is striking when one focuses on the priests’ vestments is Christ’s stark nudity in comparison. During the Mass, in order for the priest to be in persona Christi, he must cover his own inadequacies. This is similar to Adam and Eve covering themselves in garments of skin after being banished from the Garden. Christ, being the new Adam, needs no such covering. He alone is the perfect priest and perfect sacrifice.”

This is such a great insight. I was reading just the other day that nothing is the first material byproduct of the Fall. Christ redeems our bodies by his nakedness on the cross. That priests wear clothing to *focus* attention toward that Perfection and away from themselves fits so well. Even clothing is made sacramental in Christ.

A delight to read. Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing your insight Stanton! I love how that fits together. It’s amazing how coherent the faith is.

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God Bless you, and the hard work you put into the glorification of Christ in your articles. Your work helps to spread the message, it the benefit of all. 🙏😇🙏

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Thank you Lauren! I really appreciate your encouragement!

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Catching up to this a bit late--but, as always, I appreciate the careful attention to detail that helps me notice aspects of the painting (the "arma Christi," or even that blood flowing into the chalice, which I'm afraid I missed initially) that I would otherwise not see.

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Thank you, Peter. In most paintings of this image, they are a lot more noticeable, so I was already looking for them.

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✠“The Man of Sorrows” — a phrase I needed to see before me, a signal grace, thank you, Amelia! I love the Mass, I love the Holy Liturgy, I love Holy Art, I love Christ’s Church! Amelia, thank you so much for this. May God continue to bless & protect your work!

Happily subscribed! Please pray for us, I so believe in this work, I hope to be a Founding Member when finances permit, God willing. God bless you, Amelia, & your family! In nómine Patris, ✠ et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti. Amen.

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