Jul 25Liked by Amelia Sims McKee

Wonderful, thank you!

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Jul 25Liked by Amelia Sims McKee

Grace and Peace to you sister. This was a wonderful retelling of synergia between the human faith of these two grandparents and the Divine Providence of God the Father, Thank you. ☦️ Blessed Feast of the Dormition of Saint Anna, Most Holy Theotokos save us!

⚜️ Saints Joachim and Anna, pray for us. O'Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on us, keep our marriages and families under the protection of your Holy Love and 🔥Courageous Truth in these interesting times. May the Holy Spirit find a 🌴 resting place in our repentant hearts, 7/25/2024 Anno Domini. ❤️🕊️🌐🕯️📿⛪🔔⛲

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Thank you!

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Jul 25Liked by Amelia Sims McKee

I like the way you described the story in a series of paintings. Giotto’s angels are my favorite.

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Aug 16Liked by Amelia Sims McKee

I also loved that first close up of him, and that he is holding a Lamb, foreshadowing indeed

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Yes, thank you for pointing out that delightful detail…he holds it so tenderly too!

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Aug 16Liked by Amelia Sims McKee

Thank you so much for this wonderful gift, what a beautiful story, I had never heard before. I love the making of the third face, as the two flesh becomes one.

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I’m getting to this a bit late, but I quite enjoyed it. Thank you. I especially liked your pointing out how Joachim and Anne merge into one as they kiss. The chapel must be remarkable. Ironically, just yesterday I was reading a mystery set largely in Italy, and it contained a reference to this chapel.

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Today is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8) so it’s a fitting read on this particular Feast Day honoring the birth of the Mother of our Lord Jesus. Also followed the links to read the Nativity Gospel of Mary, which includes that she entered the Temple at the age of only three years old, there climbing the steps up to the Temple entrance all by herself (the Feast Day commemorating that event falls on November 22nd each year). Thank you for sharing the wonderful story of Saints Joachim & Anne, and incorporating the frescoes painted by Giotto. An enlightening read on this Sunday morning.

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I found this post very late; it’s a lovely and profound explication of the Anna and Joachim cycle of frescoes. This narrative largely disappears in the 16 th century, in part I think because responses to the reformation include a focus on the canonical scriptures. I believe a tendency on the part of some laypeople to read the kiss at the Golden Gate as the moment of Mary’s conception and thus confound the Immaculate Conception with the virgin conception and birth, also led to the disappearance of this charming narrative.

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