This is absolutely fantastic. Your writing is so exceptional. The way you wove together a commentary on all of these paintings felt like it had narrative tension leading from paragraph to paragraph. Thank you so much for this
Thanks Griffin! I'm glad you thought so. I was hoping I would be able to get the connections to come across clearly. I've been thinking about this painting for so long it was hard to condense all my thoughts haha
Today's post is about depictions of the Apocalypse and other bits of the book of Revelation in medieval art, and brother, you ain't seen grotesquery until you've seen Gothic devils.
Just tremendous in every respect. Such an in-depth study. What I find most striking is the diverse effects Fra Angelico used to depict radiance -- halos in various forms, a shower of light beaming from an archway at the left, beams of light spilling down from the clouds, and of course Our Lord emanating a sunburst of light. Thank you
Thank you for pointing out many details I otherwise would have not caught - a sublime work by the Angelic monk. I love the kiss of soul/guardian angel. I also love seeing the beings entering the beatific light through the portal on the left. This was a wonderful journey - thank you!
My favorite detail is the saint in heaven hugging his guardian angel. I would have not noticed that scene among so many in heaven if you had not called attention to it. Lovely and instructive 💚
What I like the most about this painting is the light streaming through the great doorway to the far left. It speaks to me about the impossibility of representation, of its limits, the limits of our knowledge and understanding, that despite all this depiction that the artist engages in so beautifully, the essence of our faith is mystery that we can only experience as pure light.
The Theotokos and the Forerunner to the immediate left / right of the LORD in Glory. ☦️ Very traditional and very comforting. Grace and peace to you sister. 🔔 ⛪
"Rays of light "caught my attention amongst the beautiful artwork and your superb Summary.
I once dreamt of being on a stage with 3 exquisitely beautiful Oriental Women .I was holding a tiny wooden( matchbox type)box filled with pain.I didn't want this emotional pain anymore, looking around to find someone to give it to ....walked over to the first woman and noticed a bulge on the back of her kimonothe size of my box of pain and thought she has her own pain and I can't give it her. Same as the next 2 women.
I turned and looked around for a way to get rid of it and saw enormous brilliant lights.I threw the tiny box into the Light and it disappeared.
"Cast all your cares onto Him,as He cares for you" Biblical verse
There is something in the casting and not holding onto that has power along with trust in God.God is the Light of the World.
Truly brilliant work. Thank you for this… the image of Heaven on Hallow’s Eve today has lifted my soul.
Thank you Don. I'm glad you found it uplifting. Fra Angelico’s painting is just so compelling.
This is absolutely fantastic. Your writing is so exceptional. The way you wove together a commentary on all of these paintings felt like it had narrative tension leading from paragraph to paragraph. Thank you so much for this
Thanks Griffin! I'm glad you thought so. I was hoping I would be able to get the connections to come across clearly. I've been thinking about this painting for so long it was hard to condense all my thoughts haha
re: "grotesquery"
Today's post is about depictions of the Apocalypse and other bits of the book of Revelation in medieval art, and brother, you ain't seen grotesquery until you've seen Gothic devils.
Oooh I am excited for this one…
Just tremendous in every respect. Such an in-depth study. What I find most striking is the diverse effects Fra Angelico used to depict radiance -- halos in various forms, a shower of light beaming from an archway at the left, beams of light spilling down from the clouds, and of course Our Lord emanating a sunburst of light. Thank you
Thank you. I love the way you put that. You can tell Fra Angelico truly yearned for Heaven.
What a lovely painting, thanks for sharing it.
Thank you. It is one of my favorites. There is so much to meditate upon in it.
Thank you for pointing out many details I otherwise would have not caught - a sublime work by the Angelic monk. I love the kiss of soul/guardian angel. I also love seeing the beings entering the beatific light through the portal on the left. This was a wonderful journey - thank you!
Thank you Shannon! I love the detail of the two souls being showered with the heavenly light too.
My favorite detail is the saint in heaven hugging his guardian angel. I would have not noticed that scene among so many in heaven if you had not called attention to it. Lovely and instructive 💚
Thank you! I love this detail so much.
Love that one too!
Your commentary is as rich as is the painting.....well done!
A real treat, this!! Thank you!
Thank you for the encouragement Denise! I appreciate it.
What I like the most about this painting is the light streaming through the great doorway to the far left. It speaks to me about the impossibility of representation, of its limits, the limits of our knowledge and understanding, that despite all this depiction that the artist engages in so beautifully, the essence of our faith is mystery that we can only experience as pure light.
That’s beautiful Elizabeth.
Thank you.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa, pray for us! 📖 🔔 ☦️🕯️⛪🔥
(....& Pray for Translators! 🌐🧭⚓)
Good reminder to pray for translators. Saint Gregory of Nyssa is a favorite of mine.
The Theotokos and the Forerunner to the immediate left / right of the LORD in Glory. ☦️ Very traditional and very comforting. Grace and peace to you sister. 🔔 ⛪
Thank you Robert. Peace.
"Rays of light "caught my attention amongst the beautiful artwork and your superb Summary.
I once dreamt of being on a stage with 3 exquisitely beautiful Oriental Women .I was holding a tiny wooden( matchbox type)box filled with pain.I didn't want this emotional pain anymore, looking around to find someone to give it to ....walked over to the first woman and noticed a bulge on the back of her kimonothe size of my box of pain and thought she has her own pain and I can't give it her. Same as the next 2 women.
I turned and looked around for a way to get rid of it and saw enormous brilliant lights.I threw the tiny box into the Light and it disappeared.
"Cast all your cares onto Him,as He cares for you" Biblical verse
There is something in the casting and not holding onto that has power along with trust in God.God is the Light of the World.